The Colts Neck Reformed Church is committed to welcoming all people into the life of our church community. We commit to affirm the beauty, value, and gifts of all people. These commitments are not subject to a person's color, race, ethnicity, place of origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, relationship status (single, married, separated, divorced), socioeconomic situation, or a person's mental, physical, or emotional health or ability. All people are welcome to participate fully in the life of our faith community. membership is conditioned only upon a person's faith in Jesus Christ.

This statement was adopted by our church's Consistory (governing board) in June 2015. It affirms our view that all people are welcome to be part of the community of our church. We are a welcoming and affirming congregation. One of the hallmarks of our congregation is a strong commitment to mission - caring and supporting others, especially those in need.  Want to learn more about us?


Life is a challenge. As members of the Colts Neck Reformed Church, we do our best to be a caring, accepting, and helpful group of people. We think it's important to provide meaningful worship, sympathetic counseling, and a solid program of christian education. We think preaching must be biblical and practical. We strive to build strong youth ministries and a community of people who support each other when the going gets tough. We strive to keep a balance between local autonomy and denominational services, between clergy and lay people, between individualism and structure.  Want to learn more about us?


Reformed Churches have long been community churches, no matter the particular name on the sign. From 300-year-old churches that follow the Hudson and Mohawk Valleys of New York, to new congregations that rim major southern and southwestern cities, to racially mixed and ethnic congregations in both the U.S. and Canada, there is a commitment to be a part of the community. The Colts Neck Reformed Church is a living church, believing the God who inspires our faith also compels us to change our own lives and to make a positive difference in the world around us. That means we hold sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in high esteem and also social justice. Our steeple stands not only as a beacon of belief but also as a sign of open arms to the hurting. Our mission begins next door and extends to the far corners of the earth.  Want to learn more about us?


Now that you're familiar with who we are, are you ready to talk to one of our ministers in person?  You can call the church office (732-462-4555) to make an appointment or you can attend our new member class—you don't actually need to be considering membership, you can just come to hear what our ministers and our Congregational Care Coordinator have to say and to have any and all of your questions answered.