Fellowship at the Colts Neck Reformed Church often develops spontaneously, yet other times it is enhanced through specific programs and events. Our Sunday morning Coffee Fellowship time after the 9:30 a.m. worship service (September through early June), and our Patio Refreshment following the 9:30 a.m. worship time during the summer months (early June through Labor Day) are both wonderful weekly opportunities to converse and care.
Adults also have times to get together, sometimes "on campus," other times at a home, a restaurant, a Broadway show or other gathering place. A quilting group, a bowling team, and book discussion groups are some of the small-group opportunities for friendship connections. Additionally we have several all-church, inter-generational times of fellowship; for example - the September kick-off picnic, the festivities of the Election Day events, or attending a ball-game.
All are invited to participate in caring, supporting, laughing and drawing ever closer in the love of God!