Check this page often to see what's upcoming at CNRC!
Check this page often to see what's upcoming at CNRC!
Help Us Pave the Way for Our Future!
We stand at the threshold of an incredible journey together – one that will shape the future of our beloved church and
community. With great joy and anticipation, we unveil “Pave the Way,” our visionary three-year capital campaign set to transform our church into a beacon of hope, hospitality, and lasting legacy.
Join us on January 17th 2025 as we'll be working in the Sort Room at Fulfill Food Bank in Neptune (3300 State Route 66, Neptune, NJ 07753).
We'll work from 9:00AM to Noon, sorting and preparing food for distribution in the afternoon.
CNRC's monthly gathering of women for a time of fellowship! Sign up below to let us know if you can attend, and what you can bring!
Come out and enjoy a pancake dinner with your church family on Tuesday, March 4th, in Fellowship Hall from 5:30-7:30pm. We will be serving blueberry, plain, and gluten free almond flour pancakes; sausage and bacon; and fruit. The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children, and $25 for a family of four. Payment will be accepted at the door. Our Alleluia Jazz combo will entertain you with familiar tunes as you enjoy your pancakes. Email Victa McKenzie at with any questions. Cash (in an envelope marked with your name and "pancake dinner") or checks (made out to CNRC with "pancake dinner" in the memo field) can be placed in the collection plate, or delivered to the church office Mo through Fr during regular office hours, or mailed to CNRC, PO Box 57, Colts Neck, NJ 07722.
CNRC Chili Cook-off and Brownie Bake-off on RESCHEDULED TO MARCH 30TH at 4:00pm in Fellowship Hall. Sign up to enter your chili or brownies or just to come and judge the entries and enjoy a great meal. This is a fun event for the whole family. Please contact the church office with questions.
At 11:00 on Sundays, after the conclusion of the Sunday worship service and Coffee and Fellowship, we offer one (sometimes more!) group sessions on various topics. It may be a worship service, a lecture, a Bible study, a prayer group, a cooking class, a seasonal activity, or other limitless possibilities!
Freehold Area Open Door Food Pantry: Open Door serves over 4,000 families a month who are in need of food and services. A food chest is available year-round on the east side of the Narthex. Thank you for your continued generosity. This month, the most needed items are:
Chicken Soup | Pasta | Ketchup | Oatmeal |
Mustard | Pancake mix | Mayo | Syrup |
Spam | Tea | Canned chicken | Coffee |
Juice boxes/ pouches | Cooking oil no jumbo sizes | 64oz juice bottles | Wipes |
We are collecting food and other items for Open Door Food Pantry in Freehold (drop off during Coffee & Fellowship on the first Sunday of each month or in the church narthex any other Sunday). Needs change quickly, so go to their Most Needed List page for the most up-to-date needs and to print the list.
Raising Hope for Others assembles comfort bags for local hospitals and individuals (drop off during Coffee & Fellowship)
You can be the change you want to see in the world by joining 180’s life-saving and life-changing mission today. 180 Turning Lives Around (180), a private non-profit organization in Monmouth County, continues to provide confidential support and advocacy to victims of domestic violence in the aftermath of a highly emotional and traumatic experience with the assistance of its dedicated response team volunteers. 180 will be conducting a 40-hour mandatory training course for new Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) Victim Advocates. Training will be provided to successful applicants.
180’s volunteer DVRT Advocates are civilian members of the community who work collaboratively with law enforcement to provide support, information, and resources to victims of domestic violence at police headquarters. Advocates also discuss with victims safety planning and their legal rights in regard to obtaining a Temporary Restraining Order. By providing empathy and a crucial perspective of the situation, these specially-trained advocates help to empower victims to make informed decisions for themselves and their families.
Basic requirements for volunteers to apply include that they must be eighteen years of age or older, have access to reliable transportation, possess a valid driver’s license, be willing to serve on an on-call shift basis, participate in an interview process, submit to background investigations and fingerprinting, and successfully complete the mandatory training. The police departments and 180 are committed to culturally and socially diverse teams to better serve the community. Bi-lingual capability is helpful. Prior knowledge of domestic violence is not required. The identities of the DVRT volunteers are kept anonymous. For an application or additional information, contact Tina Morgan, Assistant Coordinator, Victim Support Program, at or 732 264-4360, Ext. 4272.
Holy Yoga (HY) is an experiential worship of our glorious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Come honor Him through movement at any or all of our scheduled classes. They are for all skill levels, for men and women, for anyone who would like to deepen their faith and improve their wellness. All adults are welcome regardless of their mobility, flexibility and strength. Modifications are possible with all of the poses. Dress comfortably (and appropriately for an activity held at a church) so you can move with ease.
Once we are able to open our doors and welcome you back in, Join us in our beautiful Yoga Room, located on the lower level of the Ministry Center, to participate. Holy Yoga:
For more information, email our Holy Yoga Instructor, Barb Tucker atemail
Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!
Romans 15:13
Ongoing Zoom meetings and items
Link to our ongoing Zoom meetings and items on our "BE CONNECTED" page.