"You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God"

2 Corinthians 9:11

There are many ways to give to God's ongoing ministry at the Colts Neck Reformed Church. You may hear on Sunday mornings that we are called to give of our "time, talent, and treasure." Giving to God from what God has given us involves giving of time in service, talent in lending your unique spiritual gifts to the upbuilding of God's kingdom, and giving financially to the cost of ministry. We are always appreciative of monetary donations to the general fund of the church, which pays for the cost of operations. We consider these types of donations "tithes." However, if you are interested in donating over and above your tithe to a specific fund of the Church (Memorial, Good Samaritan, or Endowment) please see the information below to inform your decision. Thanks be to God for the gifts bestowed to us.


*NOTE* For information about giving to the Pave the Way Capital Campaign please visit our Pave the Way page.


This is a fund that hold monetary gifts given in memory (or sometimes, in honor) of a person. This is where the "please make a donation to the Colts Neck Reformed Church in lieu of flowers" are deposited. Donations to the Memorial Fund come from a wide variety of people, giving $25 to $100 at a time.

How do I give to this fund? You simply send in the check to the church office (P.O. Box 57, Colts Neck, New Jersey 07722), noting the person that you are memorializing or honoring. The family of the person is then notified of your gift (not the amount, just that a gift was given from you; if we are not likely to have that address, please include that so that appropriate acknowledgement might be sent). You are also sent a note indicating that your gift was received. A record of gifts (again, not amounts) is kept in a permanent book.

What are these monies used for? Memorial funds are dispersed by Consistory action, typically in the areas of worship or Sanctuary enhancement. Past uses have included children's choir robes, new hymnals, sound system needs, and an electronic keyboard/synthesizer. Again, once a gift is given to the Memorial Fund, the Consistory is the discretionary body. No one can come and say, "I'm ready now to decide what to do with the money given in memory of my mother." And yet, such gifts, given in love and tribute, make a wonderful lasting difference to the ongoing life of the church and to the glory of God.

If you choose to donate to the Memorial Fund via our online portal please be sure to select "Memorial Fund" when prompted.



Begun over 20 years ago, The Good Samaritan Fund is a perpetual resource for the church to use immediately to reach out to people of goodwill in their time of need. This is a discretionary fund in which the pastors are able to make immediate gifts to those both in our congregation and those from the community who have encountered tough times and need just that financial lift to get back on their feet. If you would ever like to given an "over and above" gift, you are encouraged to consider The Good Samaritan Fund. 

If you choose to donate to the Good Samaritan Fund via our online portal please be sure to select "Good Samaritan Fund" when prompted.



What is the Endowment Fund? This is a church fund that holds gifts that were given as a part of a bequest. There are three ways this can be done. First a person can designate the church be a recipient in a will. Second, the church is named in an insurance policy. Third, the church is given money as part of a designated giving plan, such as a charitable remainder trust. The endowment monies are typically larger than the gifts given to the Memorial Fund. The Endowment Fund was established in 2001 with a gift from the estate of a church member in the amount of $10,000. the principle is preserved in perpetuity and a designated committee of church members monitors the fund's investments.

What are these monies used for? The principle is preserved, but interest monies may be rolled over or used. Consistory allocates interest monies, but under our by-laws, they can only be used for see money for new programs and giving to missions. This money has funded such things as the leadership of a summer intern program, a new church start, a youth-group initiative, and lessons for emerging organist.

How do I give to this Fund? Simply include the church in your will - your attorney can help set this up. If you wish to make a gift through a charitable remainder trust or similar vehicle, a certified financial planner can explain the tax advantages of making such a gift. Members of the Endowment Committee can provide basic information, but are not qualified to give personal financial advice.

Who is on the Endowment Committee? Brad Lenz, chairperson, Paul Anderson, treasurer/secretary and Consistory liaison, Paul MacClellan, Greg Robinson, and Jim Holder. Rev. Scott Brown is an ex-officio member. If you'd like to be in contact with this committee and its members,email the church office and you will be connected to the proper person.