We understand our church as a mission partner with God. We have experienced God's love and compassion in our lives and we feel God calling us to share that love and compassion with others. Our church's mission programming allows us to use our gifts to play a part in God's mission. 

The Colts Neck Reformed Church partners with many organizations through volunteer participation, donations, and support services. These organizations are located locally, regionally/nationally, and internationally. Our partners include ministries, organizations, missionaries, and educational organizations that we support financially. For more information on local, regional/national, and international mission explore these pages:

Local Mission

Regional/National Mission and RCA Education

International Mission


We have a very local mission program called the SWAT team.  Members of the SWAT team assist those in our congregation and in the surrounding community who, due to physical or financials reasons, need assistance with basic projects around the house.  The tasks—yard work, small home repairs, computer/technical help, etc.—are usually no more than one day of work.  There is no specific day for the work; the requests are matched to the availability and schedule of those who volunteer to help. This program is ideal for those who want to volunteer and live in the Spirit of Christ, but are unable to commit to a traditional week-long mission trip.


Most years we engage in a Christmas Gift program in the weeks leading into the Christmas Season. We partner with organizations that allow us to help provide gifts to individuals or families in need. Volunteers help members of the church sign up for gifts and coordinate the delivery of our donations. This program helps us share the good news of God's love, which we feel in a powerful way during the Christmas season. 


Typically we engage in a Crop Walk every spring. During this event we walk to raise support and awareness for those who struggle to obtain clean water and healthy food in their day to day existence. Members of our congregation walk and make financial pledges to support our walkers. Crop Walk is an international organization addressing hunger and thirst around the world. The support we raise also has a local impact as a portion is donated to the Open Door Food Pantry in Freehold, NJ. 


Election Day is a big day at the Colts Neck Reformed Church. Every year, on the first Tuesday after the first Sunday in November, our church community mobilizes for a spectacular day of food and fun. We have what we call our "Election Day Events," which include a Christmas Craft Bazaar, a delicious take-out lasagna meal which includes a generous serving of home-made lasagna (meat or vegetable—you choose), a salad with your choice of dressing, a dinner roll, and a dessert of your choosing.  You can pick up your meal at lunch time or dinner time.  Dozens upon dozens of people participate in making these events happen, which makes this our biggest volunteer opportunity every year. The proceeds from the bazaar, lunch, and dinner are donated to our annual "benevolence budget," from which our church supports our mission partners here in New Jersey and around the world. These events, which take four days of preparation, execution, and clean-up are a great way for new members to get involved and grow relationships with other members of the congregation. 


Every year members of our church engage in short term mission trips. Typically our youth serve for a week in the summer. They have traveled to many different locations throughout the United States including Chicago, Philadelphia, and Staten Island. They have served doing disaster recovery work and they participated in urban renewal projects.

Our adults also plan and participate in week-long mission endeavors as well - some are coed trips - others may focus on women or men only. In recent years we have traveled to such places as West Virginia to build housing, Florida to help with hurricane relief, North Carolina, and the list goes on.

These trips allow us to have an impact in God's world; they allow us to learn about the situations of others; and they help us to build bonds between our fellow participants.


This inter-generational organization collects and distributes used bicycles. The bikes are typically donated to people in the developing world who will use them as their primary means of transportation to work or school. We collect bikes throughout the year and have an event in the spring to prepare the bikes for shipment to their new owners.


Our congregation supports the Open Door Food Pantry, which is located in nearby Freehold, NJ. The pantry and its staff provide food and support to people experiencing hunger, housing insecurity, and other challenges. Our congregation hosts annual food drives to help keep the shelves stocked at Open Door. We also volunteer at the pantry from time to time. We appreciate the hard work done by our interfaith friends at Open Door. 


Family Promise supports families in our area who experience homelessness. Churches function as host sights where displaced families can spend the night in safety and comfort. Members of our congregation volunteer as hosts at nearby local church who provides meals and space for these families. 


Twice a year our Fellowship Hall is transformed into a blood-donation center. Volunteers from our church help coordinate the drive by working with our partner organization, the Red Cross, and many members of our church come out to participate in this life-supporting donation.


On Fridays, St. Peter's Church in Freehold, NJ hosts their Community Outreach Supper. All are invited to this free, no-questions-asked, community meal. Our church helps provide the food and volunteers for three to four of these events every year. Members of the congregation cook, bake, and donate food items and volunteer to help set-up, serve, and clean-up the meals.