We stand at the threshold of an incredible journey together – one that will shape the future of our beloved church and

community!  With great joy and anticipation, we unveil “Pave the Way,” our visionary three-year capital campaign set to transform our church into a beacon of hope, hospitality, and lasting legacy.


Exciting new plans are in place as we reconstruct the parking lot, redesign the Route 537 driveway, reduce indebtedness, replenish reserves to proactively address capital expenses, and recommend funding for new ministry opportunities.  These require funding – thus this capital campaign is in the works. 


Informational sessions (see below for the schedule) will be held throughout the fall leading up to Pledge Sunday, November 24th, 2024.

Let’s pave the way, together!


We are currently accepting pledges and donations, and we hope you can faithfully discern your giving to our Capital Campaign. If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Scott Brown. 


  • Information sessions

    If you missed one of our information sessions, please check out this video! Below are the timestamps for specific sections of interest:

    Introduction: 00:00-01:06

    History: 01:07:05:45

    Driveway Project: 05:46-12:38

    Capital Expenses: 12:39-15:33

    Paying Off Loans: 15:34-17:49

    Ministry Opportunities: 17:50-19:16

    Giving: 19:17-24:56

    A Message for Young Families and Others: 24:57-27:56

    Closing Message from Scott: 27:57-29:32

    Play Video

  • Informational Brochure

    We stand at the threshold of an incredible journey together – one that will shape the future of our beloved church and community. With great joy and anticipation, we unveil “Pave the Way,” our visionary capital campaign set to transform our church into a beacon of hope, hospitality, and lasting legacy.

    View brochure

  • FaQs

    As you prayerfully contemplate your role in the Pave the Way campaign, we are sure you will have questions.  We have answered many of them in our FAQs document.  If you still have questions, feel free to contact the church and we will make sure your question is answered.

    View FAQs

  • Generosity Guide

    How does one decide how much to give to the “Pave the Way” Capital Campaign? That’s between you and God. There is a scripture passage that says, “Not everyone has been blessed in a similar way”. Sacrificial giving is an element of the Christian faith. Whatever amount you give will represent something that is a heartfelt spiritual decision and not simply an afterthought or an obligation.

    View Generosity Guide

  • Video—Past Capital Campaigns and a History of CNRC

    A Look Back—We have inherited a campus and property that has served God through this congregation and community for generations. We seek to provide the next generation with roads and buildings that are safe, functional, versatile and suitable to  sustain vital ministry.

    Play Video

  • Video—CNRC Member Testimonials

    Hear some of our members reflect on their experiences at CNRC and how the work and sacrificial giving of members past have benefitted and impacted their present lives here at CNRC.

    Play video