sponsored by

Colts Neck Reformed Church

139 Route 537 (physical address)

PO Box 57 (mailing address)

Colts Neck, NJ  07722

approximately 1/4 mile west of Route 34

Stacey Savage - Director

732-462-4662  fax 732-462-4500  email


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Registration for the 2025/2026 school year is now open! To enroll please click the link below. For more information please reach out to



registered parents — please make it a habit to Check Your brightwheel accounts for important information!



Check back here later for registration information through Brightwheel. Click the link below for the full banner of information!


~ We provide traditional values taught in a warm and caring environment ~

 ~ Fifty-two years of experience preparing children for elementary school ~

 ~ Small class size ~

Playgroup classes from 9:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Half day classes from 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Extended day Lunch & Learning for 3-year-olds from 9:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Full day classes from 9:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

TWO, THREE, or FOUR DAY PLAYGROUP for 2-1/2-year-olds (morning)

THREE, FOUR, or FIVE DAYS for 3-year-olds (morning or extended day)

FOUR or FIVE DAYS for 4-year-olds (morning or full day)

FIVE FULL DAYS for Transitional Kindergarten

FIVE FULL DAYS for Kindergarten

EXTENDED DAY LUNCH & LEARNING PROGRAM - students stay for lunch and then have more learning time

SCIENCE DISCOVERY, READING LITERACY, and GEOGRAPHY - included in all full day programs

For a tour of our school, please schedule an appointment with our director, Stacey Savage.

our programs

  • playgroup for 2-1/2 year-olds (approximately)

    Two, three, or four mornings per week (you choose the days), from 9:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 

    The Playgroup is designed for the younger child as an introduction to a structured environment without the parent.  The Playgroup provides supervised play with age-appropriate toys, simple songs, easel painting, nursery rhymes, story telling, and story reading.  We also include some gross motor activities through music and occasional outside play.  The children in Playgroup do not have to use the toilet on their own, though it is desirable.  The class begins in September after a "Meet-the-Teacher" day, and continues through the month of June.

    More information

    Download/Submit an application

  • 3-year-old Preschool program

    Three, four, or five days per week from 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    Three, four, or five days per week with Lunch & Learning from 9:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

    The 3-year-old program is designed to allow the child to transition from his or her parent into a nurturing environment and to learn in an age-appropriate manner using The Creative Curriculum®.  The child is encouraged to play cooperatively, to share, to learn self-control, to develop a relationship with the teacher, and to take ownership for the classroom.  Instruction is individualized which allows the teacher to determine the needs of each child and guide him or her in developing self-confidence and friendships.  The program includes free-play, small group work, language development through literature, music, and dramatic play.  Also included are the study of colors and shapes, name recognition, seasonal and holiday activities, and units of study about staying healthy, metamorphosis, the farm, helping others, community helpers, and so much more.  Gross motor development is encourage through outside play. 

    The Lunch & Learning program adds one hour to the student's day.  During this time, your child eats lunch (which you provide) and then has more fun and engaging class time with the teacher.

    Children must be three years old on or before October 1st of the current school-year.

    Download/Submit an application


  • 4/5-year-old Preschool program - Half Day

    Four or five days per week from 9:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

    The 4/5-year-old program is designed to continue the social development of your child with an increased, age-appropriate academic emphasis using The Creative Curriculum®.  The children should transition more easily from their parents and will learn that they are members of a caring community at the school.  Helpful and cooperative behavior is emphasized.  The alphabet is introduced through a phonetic and project approach.  Patterning, sequencing, directionality, concrete counting, visual discrimination, and fine motor activities will be added to the curriculum. Children are encouraged to visually recognize their first names and are assisted with the manual configuration of their letters.  Math is introduced through games.  Large and small group activities help to foster your child's love of talking, listening, and reading - the foundations of early literacy.  Our 4/5's do unit studies about dental health, emergency services and safety, reptiles, insects, people with physical and mental challenges, and much more.  

    Children must be 4 years old on or before October 1st of the current school year OR be eligible for their district's kindergarten program for the following school year.

    Download/Submit an application


  • 4/5-year-old program - Full day

    Four or five days per week from 9:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

    For families that prefer a full day of education and care for their child, this program provides a positive environment and stimulating curriculum fostering children's creative and intellectual abilities appropriate for their developmental stage. The children follow the regular 4/5 year old curriculum (see description above), and have additional afternoon instruction in science, geography, and a pre-reading literature class in a seamless five-hour day. As with all of our programs, our objective is to nurture self-esteem and independence and to set the stage for future learning through a positive first experience at school. 

    Children must be 4 years old on or before October 1st of the current school year OR be eligible for their district's kindergarten program for the following school year


    Download/Submit an application


  • Transitional kindergarten

    Five days per week from 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

    The "transitions" class is a transitional kindergarten program specifically designed for three categories of students - those whose birthdays fall on or after October 1st, thus being ineligible to enroll in kindergarten for the current school-year; those who, based on teacher recommendation, will benefit from the "gift of time" before entering a traditional kindergarten class; and for students who are a "young five" with birthdays from June through September.  This class allows the students to develop their readiness skills in a less rigorous and less stressful environment than a kindergarten classroom, preparing them to start their K-12 educational experiences full of confidence and eager to learn.  It is a full-day, five days per week class featuring a small class size, individualized attention, with a focus on kindergarten readiness utilizing The Creative Curriculum®.  This is a great option for children as an alternative to repeating a Pre-K level class year.

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  • Kindergarten

    Five days per week from 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

    The kindergarten class is a full-day program that follows New Jersey State standards for kindergarten instruction.  It provides a foundation in the skills children need to succeed in a traditional school setting.  Certified teachers guide children in an engaging curriculum—The Creative Curriculum®— based on studies determined by student interest, bringing all areas of the curriculum - literacy, numeracy, science, and social studies - together for our students through interactive activities.  The program is designed to help each child grow socially, emotionally, and academically.  Our small class sizes and individualized attention allows each child to reach his or her full potential, helping him/her to become an independent thinker.  Our well-rounded learners have an opportunity to engage in lessons intertwined with a hands-on approach to learning.  The goals of our program are to support and enrich our students' kindergarten experiences through a fun and multi-sensory approach to learning.  Building self-esteem and a love of learning are a central focus of our program, as these traits provide a firm foundation throughout a child's education.

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  • Summer Fun

    Four weeks during the month of July, Monday -Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

    Our summer program for preschool through kindergarten aged children is designed to provide fun-filled mornings with supervised outside play, crafts, and games.  A teacher and teenager supervise the children with a ratio of at least 1:5.  The program utilizes the playground, which is enhanced by water on the slide, T-ball and sand play.  Following outside play, the children come indoors for snack and activities until dismissal.  Children must be at least three years old and have completed one year of a nursery school program and be less than seven years old.  Children who have completed kindergarten are welcome to attend.  Summer Fun applications are available now.

    Download/Submit an application

  • summer slump

    Four weeks during the month of July

    There is no Summer Slump for summer 2024


    Summer slump is designed to prepare the 4-, 5-, to 6-year-old student for success in kindergarten or first grade.  Summer Slump was designed to help students maintain skills taught the previous school-year.  Our four week Summer Slump program seeks to enrich your child's academic development as he/she prepares for the next grade level.  Our teachers will assess each student's knowledge of academic skills taught during the prior school-year and develop hands-on activities to either remediate or strengthen those skills.  Summer Slump applications are available now. 

    Download/Submit an application

  • summertime playgroup

    Four weeks during the month of July, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; you choose either one, two, three, or four days per week

    Summertime Playgroup is designed for the younger child (starting at approximately 2-1/2 years old) as an introduction to a structured environment without the parent.  Summertime Playgroup provides supervised pay with age-appropriate toys, simple songs, nursery rhymes and stories.  We also include gross motor activities through music and occasional outside play.  Through our Summertime Playgroup program, we promote independence and develop your two-year-old's emerging awareness of social behavior.  Summertime Playgroup applications are available now.

    Download/Submit an application