At the Colts Neck Reformed Church Elders and Deacons, along with the Minister(s) of Word and Sacrament, comprise the Consistory. Deacons are men or women who are called by God and uplifted by the church as those who are leaders in ministries of service, mercy, and outreach. Elders are women or men who are called by God and uplifted by the church as those who are leaders in ministries of discipleship, worship, and spiritual oversight.
Each June, a nominating committee works to select a single slate of nominees for Consistory. These nominees are then voted upon by the Congregation at the church's Annual Meeting, held in September of each year. Elders and Deacons serve for a term of two years with the option of serving an additional two years, if elected to do so. After four years of service, they become ineligible to serve for two years.
The current Consistory, along with their area of responsibility, is listed below.