This healthy lifestyle approach was created by Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church, along with two respected physicians, Dr. Daniel Amen and Dr. Mark Hyman. This wellness program enables people to get healthy by optimizing the five core essentials of:
Dedicate your body to God. Pray for support and give thanksgiving for this healing opportunity.
Learn to make nutritious, appropriate choices and enjoy delicious new recipes.
Honor and praise God for your functioning body by being active.
Set your intention on spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.
Take part in fellowship, support, and encouragement with your church family.
Learn about new and exciting ways to get into shape, deepen your relationship with God, and share your experiences with one another. Books, study guides, and journals are required and available for purchase from the church - approximate cost is $28. For more information about Daniel Plan activities, contact Dana Eugenio. email