We are a cooperative nursery school. What does this this mean? It means that parent participation in the classroom is encouraged and accommodated. The family selecting the cooperative option will have one parent/guardian scheduled into the classroom as the teacher's helper on a rotating basis for the entire school year. The parent/guardian is responsible for bringing the snack and drink for the class and for assisting the teacher with classroom activities. We recognize that not every family has a parent/guardian available to assist during the day, so a non-cooperative option is also available. The parent is still responsible for providing the snack and drink, but an aide (employed by the school) is scheduled into the classroom to assist the teacher and children. Parents who have chosen the non-cooperative option are still welcomed and are encouraged to participate in the classroom when an opportunity arises that fits their schedules. Tuition is increased for the non-cooperative option to cover the cost of the classroom aide.
colts Neck Reformed Church Nursery School