The Playgroup is designed for the younger child (starting at approximately 2-1/2 years old) as an introduction to a structured environment without the parent/caregiver. The Playgroup provides supervised play with age-appropriate toys, simple songs, nursery rhymes, easel painting, story telling and story reading. We also include some gross motor activities through music and occasional outside play. Children In Playgroup do not have to use the potty on their own, though it is desirable. The class begins in September after a "Meet-the-Teacher" day and continues through the middle of June. We follow a calendar very similar to that of the Colts Neck public school system regarding school-year start dates, holidays, and end-dates.
There is always one teacher and one assistant in the class with the students at all times. You can learn more about the teachers on our main Nursery School page (once you arrive at the main page, scroll down a bit to find them!).
The students - yes, even a two-year-old here is a student - are so busy learning and playing that they don't have time to miss their parent/guardian/caregiver. They paint pictures; they use their imaginations forming all sorts of things and creatures with clay; they go to music class and learn about their voices, and pitches, and volumes, and rhythms, and lyrics; they play outside; they "read" books; they are read to by their teachers; and most of all, they learn to be part of a group - sharing compromising, leading and following - all skills which they will need in the years ahead. So, relax, enjoy two-and-a-half hours to yourself while we teach and guide and nurture your little one!
Class is in session for two, three, or four days per week (you choose the days which are convenient for you) from 9:15 a.m to 11:45 a.m.
Tuition for the 2022-2023 school year:
$3100 for two days per week
$3600 for three days per week
$4100 for four days per week
A 10% discount is given if the student has a sibling attending during the same school year, otherwise, the yearly tuition is divided into ten equal monthly payments.