See what is scheduled for the coming weeks. Be sure to always check the weekly announcements for changes or cancellations.

    • Praying with the Pastors - Pastors' Studies, Ministry Center - If you are in need of prayer for specific things, or would like to have a brief meeting with Pastors Scott or Gene, join them in their studies for a time of prayer. 
    • Service of Word & Sacrament - Sanctuary - This is our monthly second service. All are welcome to attend.
    • Social Media 101 - Conference Room - Join Elder for Engagement, Krissy Garside, and Pastor Gene to learn about the church's online engagements on social media and the website, as well as helpful and healthy ways to engage with social media in an increasingly online world!
    • New Member Class - Ministry Center Conference Room - If you are interested in joining the church officially as a member, you are invited to this class to learn more about our community, and so we can learn more about you! RSVP to Dianne O'Hara via email.
    • Christian Book Study - Conference Room - Join Gene Ryan, Brian Allain, and others as we discuss the latest book in our series. Check back soon for details on which book was chosen, and how to obtain a copy.
    • Healing Service - Sanctuary - If you have specific prayers that you wish to offer up for the healing of the world, our community, and ourselves join Pastors Scott and Gene for a service of prayer. While we can never guarantee that our prayers for specific healings will come to pass in the ways we want them to, we trust that when we gather to pray to God, God does hear us. Join the community in a time of prayer for healing of what can be healed, and acceptance for the things that cannot.
    • Service of Word & Sacrament - Sanctuary - This is our monthly second service. All are welcome to attend. NOTE: This is our last 11:00 Service of Word & Sacrament until October, other than our Easter 11:00 service.
    • Annual Fellowship Easter Egg Hunt - Church Lawn - Join the family fun for our third annual egg hunt! Prizes for all who participate. Two hunts will be taking place. One for younger youth, and one for older youth. More details to come!
    • 11:00 - Service of the Resurrection - Sanctuary - Join us for our third Easter Morning Service celebrating our risen savior, Jesus Christ!
    • Sanctuary Tour - Sanctuary - Join Scott Brown for a history, theology, and art tour of our sanctuary. Learn about our stained glass, banners, liturgical symbols, musical instruments, and maybe even ring the church bell! All are welcome, at any age!

    • Cemetery Walk - Atlantic Cemetery - Join Pastor Scott for a walk around our church cemetery, and hear stories of the saints, history of the plots, and information about how the cemetery functions within the life and ministry of our church. NOTE: This is our final 11:00 discovery hour offering until the fall.