- Capital Campaign Information Session; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Rev. Scott Brown
See our 11:00 Offerings by Date
- Capital Campaign Information Session; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Rev. Scott Brown
- Capital Campaign Information Session; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Rev. Gene Ryan
- Worship service of communion; sanctuary; led by Rev. Scott Brown
- Knitting 101; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Lynne Garner
- Christian Book Study; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Brian Allain
- Capital Campaign Information Session; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Rev. Scott Brown
- Remembrance Service: A worship service to remember and honor your loved ones who have completed their lives here on earth and now walk with their father in heaven; Sanctuary; led by Rev. Scott Brown and Dianne O'Hara
- Kitchen prep for "Day of Service" luncheon; Community Center kitchen; led by the Mission Team
- Worship service of communion; Sanctuary; led by Revs. Scott Brown and Gene Ryan
- Whitworth updates: More information to follow; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Rev. Gene Ryan
- Social Media 101: More information to follow; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Rev. Gene Ryan and Krissy Canton Garside, PhD
- Pave the Way Pledge Festival: More information to follow; Fellowship Hall
- Worship service of communion; sanctuary; led by Rev. Scott Brown
- Christmas Carols—Their Meaning and History: More information to follow; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Rev. Scott Brown
- Angels; More information to follow; Ministry Center Conference Room; led by Rev. Scott Brown
- Gingerbread Houses: Join us in Fellowship Hall to make Gingerbread houses. As this event gets closer, a sign-up sheet will be available; Fellowship Hall; led by Kristine Schmocker
- There will be no 11:00 offering on this Susday