Election Day Event 2024

Our Annual Election Day Take-out Lasagna Meal and Craft Bazaar will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. All money raised by this event goes towards the Benevolence budget of the church, supporting local, regional, national, and international needs. Come out and support this time-honored tradition by volunteering, eating (call the office to reserve your tickets), or shopping (just show up!) at the event! 

Volunteers needed to help

at our election day event!

Find a place to volunteer by signing up online

There are so many ways to volunteer for the dinner and the bazaar, so no matter what your abilities or your constraints might be, you can find a spot to make a difference.  We need pickup trucks and drivers, we need bakers, we need crafters, we need servers, we need kitchen help, we need clean-up help, the list goes on and on—you will have no problem finding a place for your talents!  After reading the list, if you still cannot find a time/place to help, come and eat—that is a big help