2018 Archived Sermons Online

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  • "The Blessing of Wilderness" by Anna Petrie

  • "Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    The Dillon Panthers (Friday Night Lights) and the healed blind man in the gospel of John, chapter 9, have similar personal faith-mission statements; what's yours?

  • "Get Lost!" by Rev. Julia Doellman-Brown

  • "Put Your Hand into the Hand of God" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    At some time in our lives, we, or those we love, are affected by cancer or another difficult diagnosis. How do we react? How do personal resiliency, the support of family and friends and the presence of God come into play?

  • "The Relay of Faith" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    St. Luke's "sermon on the plain" gives us the Golden Rule. How are we called to be the people of God, saints, in the relay of faith?

  • "Transfiguration" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    The Greek word for "transfiguration" is metamorphosis. The account of Jesus being inwardly changed, revealing his glory is amazing, mysterious, and filled with hope.

  • "Giving Up...Control" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    We want to run our lives.  And sometimes we do a pretty good job of it.  Yet no matter how hard we try, we just will never be smart enough, savvy enough, good enough.  It's time to give up control.

  • February 25, 2018 - no traditional sermon

    Celebration Ringers and Jubilation! musical #GRACEWINS

    If you'd like a DVD of the musical, email music@cnrc.church

  • "Giving Up...Expectations" by Pastor Debi L. Jensen

    A Pharisee named Nicodemus thought that he had his life planned out and knew what to expect. Then he met Jesus and the unexpected happened. Life has many unexpected twists and turns and we need to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and expect that our faith in Jesus will lead us to salvation. 

  • "Giving Up...Enemies" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Enemies…  We don’t have to like what they do, but we do have to love them.  Why?  Who?  What?  Where?  When?  How?

  • "Giving Up...Despair" By Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Life is hard and grief is real and hearts are heavy.  Jesus weeps with us.  Yet there is hope!  Jesus is resurrection and life!  Thanks be to God.

  • "Who is This?" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Jesus came to Jerusalem – and the crowds asked, “Who is this man?”  Who was he then and who is he now?

  • "Jesus' Last Laugh" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18)

    The resurrection is no prank, but in his defeating death itself, Jesus has the last laugh!  Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

  • "Grow Up!" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    The risen Christ gives life - life eternal and life abundant! So how are we to grow in Christ so that our lives are free, joyful and abundant? Listen and learn how to make a commitment to a season of growth.

  • "Love One Another" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Friendships and relationships of support, nurture and care are vital to our spiritual well-being and our spiritual growth. We are created for community! Verses from Ecclesiastes 4 frame this sermon.

  • "Walking Wet" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Thanks be to God for allowing us to be a blessing to others.  We grow spiritually so we can give, and we give so that we can grow spiritually!  Giving and growing are inextricably linked.

  • "Sharing What We Believe" by Pastor Debi L. Jensen

    To evangelize means to tell others of the good news of Jesus Christ. That is what the Apostle Philip did when he met the Ethiopian eunuch and told him the message of salvation. That is what we all should do when the Holy Spirit moves us to share what we believe.

  • "Walking Fed" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Jesus didn’t talk about upward mobility.  His model was “outward mobility.”  We grow spiritually by serving others.

  • "Practice Kindness" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    "Being kind" is an attribute that most all people agree is worthy - so why doesn't it prevail?  How can we increase our kindness-quotient?  Motivated by gratitude to God, with the example of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit!

  • May 20, 2018 - No Traditional Sermon

    Youth Sunday

    Members of our senior high youth group led worship with music, scripture, the Gospel for Children and homilies, all encouraging us to use the gifts God has given us to the best of our abilities.

    If you would like a DVD of the service, email music@cnrc.church

  • "Kept Among the Living" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    We need to tell our stories so that, in remembering our past, we find our place in the present and have hope for the future.

  • "Building Your Portfolio" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    One of life's big questions:  In what should you invest so that you live a life that really counts?

  • "Hello? Who is Calling Me" by Pastor Debi L. Jensen

    Samuel and Eli worked together to understand the call of God to faithful worship. To be a strong church, we must have young ears to hear and old hearts to understand. God calls us all; let us throw open the doors and walk into His new day!

  • "The Calling of the Kings" by Pastor Debi L. Jensen

    King Saul and King David were the first two kings of Israel. They were both anointed by the prophet Samuel but their calling to this mighty position was very different. Saul was chosen king because his outward appearance was pleasing to the people but David was chosen because his inward devotion was pleasing to God.  

  • "Fighting the Good Fight" by Pastor Debi L. Jensen

    We cheer for David, the underdog, as he fights the giant Goliath; but not because he wins the fight but because his heart is won over for God. What David shows is that the glory of God is the only victory worth attaining.

  • "Let's Talk Politics" by Rev. Christopher L. Vande Bunte,

                                      Guest Minister

    Long ago and still today, Jesus seeks out followers. However, he warns us that the journey is not easy; we have to be committed. Lessons learned from our past can often help us as we look forward to the work ahead, as servants of Christ. 

  • "The Mystery of Growth" by Rev. Thomas Bartha, Guest Minister

  • July 15, 2018

    Guest Minister - Sermon not available

  • "Loaves and Fishes" by Anna Petrie

  • "The Giant Who Defeated David" by Pastor Debi Jensen

    King David is revered as the greatest king of Israel. However, his human desires caused him to forget that his blessings came from the providence of God. Hear this message of David and Bathsheba that reminds us that we all stand in need of forgiveness.

  • "We All Have a Hunger" by Rev. Julia Doellman-Brown

    Food for the body and soul - Jesus is the bread of life. Through Christ’s example we gather for meals together, and are called to gather together to care for one another - and for the world.

  • "Is Someone Praying for Me?" by Reverend Dr. Shari K. Brink

  • "Sleeper, Awake!" by Jeff Chu

  • "Scripture Readings from the Psalms and the Homily"

                 by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Reflecting on historical psalm tunes and texts, we are reminded that music anchors us when the world is adrift and consoles us when our ways are weary and, through it all, grounds us in praise to God.

  • "Fishing and Feeding" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    The Christian's job description is found in the opening verses of the Gospel of Mark and the closing verses of the Gospel of John:  fishing for people and feeding sheep.  A challenge and a joy!

  • "Eternal Instants" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Using a story from Joshua 3 and 4, we are reminded through remembered moments and treasured tokens that we belong and are connected to others, and ultimately to God.  We are connected - past, present and future.  One generation calls to another!

  • "One Generation to the Next" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Elijah passes the mantle of leadership to Elisha (1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 2). Who encouraged you in faith? To whom are you passing the torch? The Bible story provides guidance in how this best happens.

  • "Each Generation - Living and Loving Like Jesus"

                        by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Our views, perspectives, and even our faith, are shaped by when we were born. Yet, the church has a wonderful opportunity to bridge generations together as a common family. Listen and learn how we find comfort and blessing in an ever-changing world.

  • "Steps of Faith" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    The Psalmist (Psalm 86) prays with us, "Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth."  Each stage of life encourages us to take steps of faith and increasing faithfulness.  Are we here to just make a living or make a life?

  • "Postcards from the Great Divide" by Rev. Rusty Eidmann-Hicks

  • "Can Anything Good Come Out of Nazareth?" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    From the first chapter of John's gospel to the last, from Philip and Nathanael to the Samaritan woman at the well, to Peter and Pilate and doubting Thomas - all are invited to "come and see" the grace of God made accessible and available to all.

  • "Well, well, well..." by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    The Samaritan woman at the well is a story about "God so loved the world."  Listen for how that comes to be and how it impacts us both globally and personally.

  • "Belonging" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    The Samaritan woman that Jesus meets at the well (John 4).  Her story may be very different than what you thought...

  • "Leaving Your Water Jars" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    The conclusion of a three-week look at John 4 and the Samarian woman at the well.  She invites others to "come and see" but first she leaves her water jar behind.  What ought we leave with Jesus as we voyage forward in faith?

  • "War No More? War No More. War No More!" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    11/11/1918 was the armistice ending "the war to end all wars." But it wasn't. On the centennial of the end of WWI, we look to Christ, the Prince of Peace, so we can be grounded in the hope that is assured: with the Day of the Lord there will be war no more.  Come, Lord Jesus!

  • "Give From the Heart" by Pastor Debi L. Jensen

    Thanksgiving and Stewardship give us the opportunity to be thankful for the blessings God has given us and to prayerfully consider how we give to those in need. From Genesis to the Gospels, the Word of God teaches us how to give with an open and loving heart.

  • "Dark and Light; Lost and Found" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    In a world of turmoil, tragedy and terror, we are given a reminder that there is a victorious conclusion.  In our waiting, we are called not to forget, not to judge, not to try to earn our place in heaven, but to give thanks for the grace given through Jesus Christ, who is the King of kinds and the Lord of lords.  Hallelujah!

  • "Glory, not Gridlock" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Isaiah's prophecy and John the Baptist's proclamation is about the One who is the King of Glory and Prince of Peace.  How can we be better Advent travelers on God's highway?

    Scripture text: Isaiah 40:1-5

  • "The Hands of Hope; Hanging on and extending out"

           by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Joseph is a key player in the Advent/Christmas story even though only a few verses focus on this righteous man.  What can we learn about hope and grace from the earthly father of Jesus?

  • "Abound in Love" by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    It's one of the most basic Christian directives - "love one another."  How best do we live lovingly as we wait for Christ's return?

  • "Homilies Accompanying a Visit from the Animals"

                 by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Given the presence of a manger, there were, no doubt, animals nearby at the birth of Jesus. Thus not just heaven, but "heaven and nature" sing at the joy of Christ's birth. Let us also repeat the sounding joy!

  • "Christmas Eve Meditations"

    by Pastor Debi L. Jensen and Rev. Scott D. Brown

  • "Where did He go? by Rev. Scott D. Brown

    Christ, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, is with us now and in the new year to come.  Jesus is with us, with the world, and on the loose!